
Friday, July 20, 2012

Hank the Traveling Hamster!!

This will probably become it's own blog attached to the Butterflies Attic, but for now I thought I would share these pictures/stories here. As you may or may not have read, Hank is a crochet hamster that I made, my boyfriend James really loves this little guy and took him with him to work. I thought it would be cute to post a picture of Hank at James' job, this thought evolved into the idea of taking pictures with Hank ALL over the place!! We wanted to share Hanks first day of pictures, and his story :) 
We loved the idea so much that I made another hamster Harriet that I will be taking around with me. I will be sharing her adventures at another point in time, for now here's Hank :D
Here I am getting ready to go to work :)
Here James and I are all set to begin work! choo choo!!!
James says I'm not allowed to touch this red handle... but it intrigues me
Never mind the handle, I'm gonna operate the whole train!!
When I get to the hotel, first I check the board to see when I have to go to work next...
Here I am at my nice hotel room, where I rest after a long day on the road. Isn't my king size bed AWESOME!
Or if I feel like it, you can find me kickin' it by the pool!
Or you can find me in my room working on my knitting, I'm currently making a scarf for the winter!

I am also quite the scholar...
Then it's off to bed 
The next morning I make sure to shave (Harriet doesn't like a scruffy hamster!!)

and I shower, can't get my ears wet!

Then it's a cup of joe, and back to work for me! Thanks for checking out my day!
Until next time

~Megan, James and Hank~

Have a place you want to see Hank or Harriet go? Let us know in the comment section below :D


  1. I can imagine why Harriet wouldn't like a scruffy hamster, I think it's nice of Hank to shave for Harriet :)
    This is adorable, can't wait to see more of Hank's adventures! :)

  2. so cute! don't cut your self shaving hank!
