
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lennox: My thoughts and Pictures

Hi all
So I don't know how many of you keep up with the news on pets, but as a dog owner of a beautiful pure bred show collie and a sweet lab, boxer, pitty mutt I find the recent events in the news disturbing. In North Ireland a dog names Lennox was put down yesterday after being taken from his family two years ago... the reason? He looked like a vicious dog...
Yup that's right there are certain places in the world (even the US) where certain breeds are euthanized just because they look like... I don't even know!!
This is the story here if you want to read it yourself.
I encourage you all to look up and join the Stubby-Dog project on Facebook, they are a wonderful group that is working on helping reduce stigma associated by a dogs breed. I am a member and love seeing and hearing all the other stories of triumph. I posted two pictures on the site today as they were calling for photo's showing that the memory of Lennox will not be lost. I thought I would share those with you today, and let you see my two pups and hopefully change your mind a bit about judging dogs (and each other) before you know them :D

This is Sadie on the left, she was a show dog (my dad's boss breeds them) but he likes showing the short haired versions, and she was a genetic "whoops". We have had her for about 2 months. Cooper is my love, he is 2 years old (so is Sadie) and the goofiest sweetest mush of a dog I have EVER known... and I was a trainer so I know a lot of dogs! He smothers you in kisses and sits on your lap if your sitting on the floor... I can't imagine someone taking him because he has a "square head" as we affectionately say

This one is all about my Cooper, my "boo", "Coopie", "square head" silly man. He is a dog so full of love and life, and he was adopted by us! I'll tell you a little about the pictures here, because each is so sweet and makes me smile :) 
L-R top row: Cooper went to the beach this summer for the very first time, he was a little unsure of the sound the waves made but when he realized it was just a giant "puppy pool" he thought it was great!! The next one is me and Cooper the other night snuggling under a blanket during a thunderstorm, my silly man is terrified of them and shakes like a leaf in a hurricane, so we snuggle and I read my book and make it through each storm :) the third one is Coop giving my brother a face full of kisses. I think it's hilarious, I was trying to take a picture before the tongue came out but he just couldn't resist giving a smootch, I was lucky to have captured the moment :)
the bottom row: This is Coop and Stitch, my late great hamster. I know what you're thinking: "You trust a dog with a hamster!?!" and my answer would be "yes" Coop always thought of him as his own personal TV set and loved to watch him, he would try to give him his paw and licked him one time (much to Stitches surprise!!) but he never went after him... Just loved him. The second picture is when Coop was about a year and 1/2 a year old, he looked so cute in his bed with his alligator, by the time I grabbed the camera he had spit it out and was sitting like this... so cute 
Lastly one of my favorites. Coop is a shy dog with strangers... at first! Once he gets to know you... well you better not mind kisses! The first person outside my family that he really became best buddies with is my boyfriend James. This was the other day when James came home from drill. He was lying in the grass when I said to Cooper "go see" aka "someone-you-like-is-here-and-you-need-to-go-kiss-them" This was what ensued. My poor boyfriend just trying to relax got an all out Coopie bath. It's one of my favorite pictures.

I hope I've touched something in your heart with this, pets make our lives complete and I can't imagine someone saying that you can't have your dog anymore because he looks "different" isn't that what we fought against as a human race... for equality? Animals don't differentiate, they see a dog and think "are you a boy or girl" then "can we be friends" I think if we all started thinking that way the world would be a much better place!

Be back tomorrow for random thought thursday!!

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